Frequently Asked Questions


    Taking ORGALAX® at bedtime is recommended to help relieve constipation overnight. Refer to the ORGALAX® package for dosing instructions. Whenever you are unsure about what to do, please call your physician or pharmacist for advice.

  • Do not use ORGALAX® for longer than one week without checking with your doctor.

  • If pregnant or breast-feeding, please ask your healthcare professional before use.

  • For over 55 years, physicians and pharmacists have trusted and customers have relied on the ORGALAX® family of laxatives.

  • Inadequate Diet
    Often constipation is simply the result of “not enough”: not drinking enough fluids, not including enough fiber in our diet. Other times, constipation is the result of just “too much”: too much intake of unhealthy or processed foods.

    Many people are unaware that constipation is also associated with many prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

    Ignoring Bowel Movements
    If you ignore the urge to have a bowel movement over time, you may stop feeling the need to have one. You may delay having a bowel movement because you do not want to use toilets outside of your home, do not have access to a toilet, or may feel you are too busy. This habit can lead to constipation.

  • Constipation can affect anyone, at any age. About 63 million people in North America say they have issues with constipation. Constipation affects almost everyone at some point in their lives.1

    So if you’re an occasional sufferer you’re certainly not alone. And the good news is, no matter what your age or situation, you can do something to help avoid and ease your constipation.

    New Mothers
    Following childbirth, many women experience constipation due to a slowdown of the digestive system and a temporary reduction of muscle tone in the abdomen. In addition, discomfort from surgical incisions may require pain medicines, some of which can cause constipation.

    No matter what your age or physical condition, business or vacation travel can disrupt your regular eating, sleeping, and normal bowel routines. The search for a toilet in an unfamiliar place can cause you to postpone the urge to go to the bathroom. When packing for a trip, be sure to take along a laxative just in case you develop a temporary problem with constipation.

    Sedentary Lifestyle
    Along with all the other benefits of exercise, add one more: it can help you avoid constipation. Sedentary people are simply more prone to problems with constipation than the physically active. Since exercise is so important, ask your doctor to recommend a fitness routine that suits your needs.

    Patients Taking Certain Medications
    Constipation may be associated with many prescription and over-the-counter medications.

    Patients Recovering From Surgery
    New medications or inadequate physical activity are both factors that contribute to constipation after surgery. Your physician may recommend a laxative if you are recovering from surgery and having problems with constipation.

    1. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC). Constipation. Accessed July, 2017

  • Many prescription and commonly used, over-the-counter medications can disrupt your digestive system.

    Sometimes constipation is just a short-term problem that occurs as your body adjusts to a new medication. In other instances, constipation is a side effect that may not lessen over time.

    Do not use laxative products for longer than one week unless directed by a doctor.

    • Do not use for longer than one week without checking with your doctor.
    • Do not use laxative products when abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting is present unless directed by a physician.
    • If you have noticed a sudden change in bowel movements that persists over a period of two weeks, consult a physician before using a laxative. Rectal bleeding or failure to have a bowel movement after use of a laxative may indicate a serious condition; discontinue use and consult your physician.
    • If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using these products. In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.
    • Keep out of children’s reach.
    • Do not use ORGALAX-S® if you are now taking mineral oil, unless told to do so by a healthcare professional.